Juan Chao
Juan Chao, (Uruguay) is a music producer and cultural manager focused on the preservation and fusion of indigenous and contemporary music. He is the creator of the organization Archivo de Música Original, which uses technology to develop initiatives for the preservation of indigenous music at risk of extinction. His work primarily focuses on creating archives and educational tools for the communities themselves and establishing sampling and music production studios within indigenous territories. All projects are carried out in collaboration with the communities and are adapted to each culture's customs and realities. Juan Chao Falsifica y Crea Cultura is the only DJ worldwide who tours within indigenous territories, performing live.His live set combines the AKAI MPC2500 sampler with analog synthesizers, producing a unique sound that blends Latin American Bass with Dirty House, created in collaboration with indigenous musicians. Currently, Juan Chao Falsifica Y Crea Cultura is also exploring the relationship between music and global issues, such as climate change, through international projects.